Microgreen Mix


Sow all year in trays 300 seeds per packet.  I like to grow mine near a window sill, turning the trays each day so your micros stand up nice and straight.  Just grow and cut as required.  Research shows sprouts are hughly nutritious, easy to grow and can be done indoors, ready within 10 days.

8 in stock


Sow directly into trays, close together, all year round. Ready within 10 days.  Micro snips are also available now to make your micro harvest more fun.  Easy to grow.  300 seeds per pack!  A beautiful addition to your salads or add as a garnish.  This microgreen sprout mix a variety of spectacular green colours.  Can includes seeds of  brassicas, cress, beetroot and radishes to name a few.

Additional information

Weight 75 g